Parenting Book Reviews

As a health care provider I frequently see parents who have read the latest parenting book and are zealously pursuing the advice contained within. It saddens me somewhat that we, as a society, are in need of so many of these books.

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The type of parents reading these are usually the ones who have very little contact with other babies prior to falling pregnant, or are not being supported well by their family and friends.

Unfortunately for number one child, they are the experiment. New parents are thrown into a world of less sleep and higher emotions, preconceptions and societal values which can cause any number of anxieties and guilts to arise in their minds.

I hope to impart some calm advice before reading any parenting book or speaking with others about it.

Firstly: Parenting is an individual journey, even if you've already had children before. Each new experience needs to be taken in the context that it arises. Authors of parenting books can't hope to be aware of every fame's circumstances when writing a book and are writing purely from their own experience.

Secondly: If anything doesn't ring true to you as an individual then it is useful to "smile and nod" your way through the conversation. All experiences are valid, even if yours is different from your peers or an author's.

Thirdly: If a book doesn't acknowledge point number two then it is likely to be causing guilt or shame to be felt by those who don't agree with the experiences of the author and is therefore one which I would see as causing readers to lose their own sense of self.

Respect for everyone's decision in life, without judgement (for how could you know the circumstances behind an individual's choice) is something to be valued and I encourage all my readers to have an open mind when entering the parenting arena - both for your own parenting experiences and those of others.

My Current Favourite Books

Baby Led Weaning

Tracy Murkett

This book made introducing solids so much easier for me.  No pureed food to worry about, no worrying about how much my baby was getting into himself.

Ultimately it reminds me to think about what was happening before the age of stick blenders and food processors! Of course babies weren't having pureed food before that!

Also it backs up the whole idea of breastfeeding on demand - your baby know how much food they need and when they need it, why change that pattern when you introduce solids!

My Child Won't Eat

Dr Carlos Gonzales

I read this after I had a one hour battle over a very small piece of broccoli,which saw my little guy still not eat it...!

If only I'd read it beforehand so I didn't worry so much about what he was getting into himself!

Fabulous resource for parents - particularly if your baby doesn't seem to want to start solids. Tells you that it's perfectly fine for some babies to prefer mainly bresatmilk til 1 year old.

All scientifically backed but going against mainstream views about what your baby "should" get into themselves.

The No-Cry Sleep Solution

Elizabeth Pantley

If only I'd read this one before my little guys was born! Life would have been so much easier! Some beautiful suggestions about helping your baby to get to sleep without tears. I think this book is really empowering mothers who are trying to do things gently.

Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering

Dr. Sarah Buckley,
Ina May Gaskin

I LOVED this book and give it to all my friends who are pregnant. I think it really empowers you for a natural birth and lets you know that there are people out there who are well educated who choose to make gentle parenting choices. It made me more confident to just go with what I felt was right.

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My FAVOURITE Parenting Book:

The Whole Brain Child

Dr. Daniel J. Siegel

This book is superb. I've found it relevant for newborn through to 2 years old so far and they talk about strategies for teens as well! I love that you are being given ideas about how to connect with your child and help them through their distress so they can move past fears and tears as happy, healthy, connected individuals.

Learning about how my baby's brain is developing helps me be more patient with him when he's frustrating me.

5 Stars!!!

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