Bacon Wrapped, Stuffed Chicken Thighs

bacon wrapped stuffed chicken thigh

Bacon wrapped stuffed chicken thighs are the meal I prepare for all my friends when they bring home their baby.  Putting something on in their slow cooker (or bringing mine over) means that they can eat at a time that will suit their baby's sleep pattern and it's not ruined.

That and they taste fabulous!!!!

I find slow cooked meals a bit hard work in summer at times, but this one is quite light and doesn't make me feel too hot like some of the beef recipes can.

What you'll need:

bacon chicken fruity rolls
  • 2 chicken thigh per person if hungry (1 if they're big and you're a small eater)
  • a piece of bacon for each chicken thigh
  • a dried apricot and a prune for each chicken thigh
  • twine to hold them together
  • sultanas - around about 1 cup
  • half a cabbage or so (depends how many you make and how big your cooker is)
  • half a bottle or so of white wine
  • some mashed potato to serve it on (I usually put some baby spinach on my mash then put the roll on top too, for some added green)

How to put them together:

cabbage and sultanas in slow cooker

Butterfly the prunes and apricots

Place one of each into a chicken thigh

Place the thigh onto a piece of bacon

Roll it up and secure with twine

Slice the cabbage fairly thinly and place in bottom of slow cooker - it should come up around half way so your cooker doesn't get too hot whilst cooking

Sprinkle sultanas over it so that there's about as many as you can see in this picture - don't be too fussy

Pour in the white wine - around half way up the cabbage is where I usually go for - in my large cooker this is about half a bottle

Place your chicken rolls in, cover and set on low

Cook for around 8 hours

Plate up with mashed potato and some baby spinach leaves

Enjoy as left overs too!

bacon chicken rolls cooking

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Recipes for Quick, Easy and Nutritious
Meals and Snacks

toddler eating sushi
fruited bacon chicken rolls
chocolate courgette muffins

I love to bake and stopped for quite a while after my second son was born.  I'm back in full swing now, but it's all changed to things that are quick and easy to prepare, and also have toddler friendly attributes such as hidden vegetables!

chickpea chocolate biscuits
quick, nutritious breastfeeding snack


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