Knowing that this is the last baby I will have has been really hard for me at times. Even though birthing is pretty full on pain, it's also the most amazing emotional and hormonal experience I've ever had and I won't get to do it again.
I won't get to breastfeed a newborn again, or see a first smile again and all those things that make having a baby so special.
I try to remember that and keep in mind how special this time is when I'm feeling grumpy about being woken up again at night, or about how my baby isn't going back to sleep very easily.
I read a book called The Power of Now a while ago. It's all about being in the moment and I've been keeping that in mind lately.
Being a parent really puts you in the moment so often. You may want to get to something on time or do some kind of housework or sleep and all of those things that can be done later.
When my little guy needs more help to get to sleep and I have to cuddle him to sleep I reframe the moment as an amazing cuddle with my boy. Cheek to cheek while his face is still so smooth (before he grows whiskers!) and just enjoying the smell of a new baby.
When I get cranky about not being able to get a job done like cooking dinner or baking or tidying and wish that he was a bit older and didn't need to feed so often I try to remind myself that this is a time that won't ever happen again and will only ast for such a short period and i need to cherish it and be in the moment.
My baby wants me and loves me unconditionally. He wants my cuddles and the milk I can give him. He wants the security I give him and knows if it's me or someone else holding him.
When he gets older he may not want cuddles and kisses. He will want to prove his independence and I won't want to let go!
I'm still so curious about who he will become, what his personality will be like, how tall he'll be, what he will want to do as an adult, and all those things, but right now I love him to bits and am cherishing being in the moment.
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