Photo Gallery Page 3

Breastfeeding blister

While not a beautiful shot to start this page with it's a really important photo to show you.  This shows my baby's breastfeeding blister. He got it because his latch isn't quite right. 

Until I got a lactation consultant out to see me I had no idea that this was a sign that my baby wasn't latching well.  So if you've got any nipple pain and are not sure if it's just you getting used to breastfeeding or if it is that your baby isn't latching well definitely get help if your baby is getting a breastfeeding blister.

Basically it means that he didn't open his mouth wide enough to get much nipple in his mouth so he's had to use his lips to pull the nipple in more.

I have no idea how they can feed with a blister on their lips, how painful it must be!!!

Crazy hair after a bath

How cute is this shot?!  I took this on my phone because I just thought it was hilarious. We'd just given him a bath and his hair was all crazy when it dried after I'd given him a feed. It still does this a bit (I'm writing this when he's 9 weeks old, and this shot was at about 2 weeks) but not nearly as much as it did then.  I think because it's gotten longer now.

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