Breastfeeding Day 9


Breastfeeding day 9 sees me trying to get my baby to sleep in the bassinet a bit more and not succeeding!!

My nipples are still a bit sore too so I tried the saddle hold during the day a few times which worked fairly well.  It seemed that he coped a bit better with my fast flow and large milk volume too which was good.  I don't think I'd really do this one in public though, cradle hold is so much easier to use.....  and he's more used to it too so he attaches a bit quicker (although i'm sure he wouldn't take long to get good with saddle if we kept practicing).

Anyway, the main story of the day is that the whole bassinet thing didn't work this night....  I'm writing this up for the internet when we're up to day 28 so looking back at that attempt I can tell that he was just still a bit too little to cope with all the milk I was making and his burping and vomitting thing weren't happening well enough yet (it's quite stressful hearing your baby vomit and choke and trying to get out of bed quickly while your body is still quite sore from birthing...!)

So I tried for 2 hours to get him to settle in the bassinet and eventually he went to sleep, but then I only got one hour of sleep before he woke up again.  Eventually I managed to burp him better and changed his nappy (the joys of too much milk is a baby who wees a lot and needs changing quite frequently, but also who poos a lot over night...  Am looking forward to no more poos overnight!)

Feeling crazily tired it made me not hesitate to bed share again, there's just no way I'd be able to function the next day without bedsharing....  I don't know how people manage in the early days without doing it.

The beauty of it was too that I woke up to a gorgeous little face looking at me while I was feeding (the photo above).  I was really fortunate that my husband was still not working at this point and gave me an extra hour of sleep before I had to get up (my newborn seems to have a different waking time of about na hour or so later than my toddler) which was awesome.

My Breastfeeding Diary

My First Baby

Feeding Infants - My Son's Birthday
Day 1 - First Days of Breastfeeding
Day 2 - Newborn Breastfeeding
Day 3 - Colostrum - Liquid Gold
Day 4 - Sore Nipples
Day 5 - Milk Production Begins
Day 6 - Co-Sleeping and Breastfeeding
Days 7-10 - Expressing Milk to Improve Attachment
Day 11 - Public Breastfeeding
Day 12 - Cracked Nipples
Week 3 - Symptoms of Mastitis

My Second Baby

Breastfeeding Day 1

Breastfeeding Day 2

Breastfeeding Day 3

Breastfeeding Day 4

Breastfeeding Day 5

Breastfeeding Day 6

Breastfeeding Day 7

Breastfeeding Day 8

Breastfeeding Day 9

Breastfeeding Day 10

Breastfeeding Day 11

Breastfeeding Day 18-23

Breastfeeding Day 24-27

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